Add other Accounts in AGREED?

Add an account with a different email so you can switch from the accounts in the same AGREED space without needing to log in or out of it. 
  • You can create a completely new account with a different person or company email.  
  • If you already have another account in AGREED, then you can also link them together to easily switch between the two. 

On any screen in AGREED software

Step 1: Select the drop-down arrow in the upper right corner of the software.

Step 2: Select Switch Accounts to add or create a new account.

Step 3: Select Add Account. 

Step 4: 
Option 1: Simply log in to your other AGREED existing account with your other email and password.

Option 2: Select Create New Account if you are creating a new account with a different email or company email > fill out all the fields with the information needed to create the new account. 

After you complete Step 4 you will be able to see all your accounts appear in AGREED software in the Account icon.