How does AGREED work?

AGREED is delivered through a software-as-a-service model that avoids upfront costs and IT operational burden. It is designed to be easily navigated and as transparent as possible through the whole Idea development process.

Admins can set up company accounts and invite their teams to join either as users or as guests. Depending on the plan they choose, this number might be limited or unlimited.

End users, known as Idea leaders, can Draft, Pitch, and refine their Valuable Ideas and convert them into actual Plans that will deliver results and profits for the company. 

Other Team Members from different departments will serve as Validators, people who will back up a Valuable Idea with real numbers and data. 

High executives will also have the opportunity to chime in and give their advice so that the way to success can be accomplished.

In addition, AGREED will assign a product expert as a Customer Success Manager who will provide training, consultation, and ongoing support.