How to join or rejoin a Space

There are three types of Spaces you can rejoin but through different ways according to the type of privacy.

To join or rejoin a Public Space

Step 1: Select the three dots on the Spaces tab on the left sidebar of the software.

Step 2: Select View Spaces.

Step 3: Search, Filter, or look at the list of Spaces.

Step 4: Select the three dots on the right side of the Space.

Step 5: Select View Space (for a sneak peek prior to joining the Space) or +Join to join the space.

To join or rejoin a Private Space

Follow the same steps as Public Space, but in this case, it will be sent as a request to the Admin who will have to approve it before you join.

To rejoin a Secret Space

You will have to ask a person who is part of that Secret Space to send you a request to join that Space.