Take the first step toward buy-in

Valuable Ideas need buy-in to become results. The first step is to pitch the Idea to the right audience. 

Use the Pitch Builder to phrase your Idea as a value proposition.

Pitch your Idea at an Idea Event

If your team uses Agreed, you might attend an Idea Event where you will be invited to Pitch Ideas. The event may be virtual or in-person.

Pitch your Idea directly to your boss
  • If you are an early adopter of Agreed, have a brief conversation with your boss to pitch your Idea. Get their initial interest before introducing them to the platform.
  • If your team uses Agreed but there is no relevant Idea Event coming up, Pitch your Idea through the platform. For best results, check in with your boss just before or soon after.
In either case, you might simply give your boss a heads up, or start a more in-depth conversation. You know the situation best.

Stand-Up Version

  • Set the stage: "I have an Improvement Idea that I want to run past you."

  • Share the Idea pitch verbally: "We could (save time, cut costs, boosts revenue) by (describe the change). I think this has potential for high value and low risk."

  • Gauge interest: "I'd like to look into some details. Sound okay to you?"

Sit-Down Version

  • Set the stage: "Can I show you something I'm thinking about/working on?"

  • Share the Idea pitch on-screen (or via a printed screenshot) as you talk through it.

  • Gauge interest: "Do you think this might have potential?"

  • Invite input:

    • "What considerations should I keep in mind?"

    • "Have we tried something like this before?"

    • "What do you see as next steps?"

  • It's too early to expect excitement or ask for approval. Unless you get a hard "no" from your boss, consider the Idea pitch a success.

  • Anticipate the questions, objections, or concerns your boss might bring up. Be ready to acknowledge and speak to those points.

  • If you have a complex or controversial Idea, set the stage with preliminary conversations before making your pitch.

  •  Pitch your idea in a way that sounds useful and familiar rather than new and innovative, this way it will lower uncertainty and sound less threatening.

What's next?

Draft the Business Case